So, you're not really supposed to move, change jobs, have a baby, and undertake a major house renovation at the same time.
But I don't really live by the What You're Supposed to Do Handbook. So that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm moving back to the Washington, DC area, where my husband and I met. My husband is changing jobs, and I'm having another baby, our third. And, arguably as hard as giving birth - we're going to renovate the house we're about to move into.
We're movin into a house we know well - we've owned it for ten years and lived in it before we had kids. Now it needs to work for three additional little people, and for my ever changing and morphing design sensibilities. I've gone through a big modern phase in my New York apartment chapter, and now I will merge all that accumulated urbaneness with the cottage sensibility appropriate for my little new old house.
And try to keep it all together with my two little boys who are somewhere in between being too young too trully help and just young enough to make every task that much more difficult or messy.
Should be interesting.
I'll keep ya posted.